So that title is probably the worst play on words in history. I’ve chosen it because this update
is about the first short (and shortest) story I’ve ever written. As I
thought about a title Metallica’s ‘The Shortest Straw’ came to mind (it’s one
of my favs) and as you can see I seamlessly blended it with ‘Short Story…’ Well
maybe the opposite of seamlessly, but I’m keeping it because I think it’s funny.
It’s a sign I probably need to get out more but I’m attempting to be a writer
and that means being somewhere between a little quirky and totally ‘there came
a tapping… a tapping my chamber door’ crazy. I’ll leave it to you to judge
where you think I fall in that spectrum. Now that I’ve done my usual and rambled it’s
time to tell you about the story behind the story.
A few
months ago my friend Starbuck (Sammy) asked me to write a short story for an
anthology she was putting together. I haven't read many short stories and having
never written one I thanked her for the offer but declined. The back story for
the short story was Steampunk and one of the themes we could play with was
Gothic Horror. I love Gothic classics like Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dr Jekyll
and Mr Hyde, so decided to give it some more thought.
It wasn’t long before I remembered an idea I had
that was related to one of those classics. It was for a branch off story, like
‘what if this had happened instead.’ It did feel a little blasphemous to touch
such an amazing story, but it was an idea I liked. I was always going to play
with it at some point, so why not now? I spoke to Starbuck and told her I
wasn’t going to make any promises but would explore the idea and send it to
her for her thoughts.
Surprisingly the first draft was a
lot of fun and I enjoyed exploring the ideas. I sent it off to Starbuck and she
said she liked it, but as with all my writing it needed some work. I decided to
just leave the story and not have it in the anthology as I felt I got what I
wanted out of it.
A couple weeks later Starbuck motivated me to
finish it. I didn’t want to let her down so decided to give it a try. I think the break had been good because when I went back to it
the story came together pretty well. I sent it back to Starbuck and she said it
would be good to have in the Anthology; once it had some editing. She cut the
11,000 words to 7,000 and said it was ready to put in. I was a bit deflated to
think 4,000 words were taken out and part of me wanted it to stay the way it
was. However I wasn’t going to let my pride get in the way and the 7,000 words
version is better for the anthology and as a story. I will always have the
11,000 word version to enjoy and I know Starbuck was right to cut so much as
people will prefer to read the catchier, less rambling version. I talked about this
in a previous blog and how that vital aspect of story telling is so important. However I threw it out the window for this short story as the Gothic novels have a
wordy style which I tried to emulate. Yet I probably just rambled and
what Starbuck did shows her skills as a story telling. As always I’m very
thankful for her help and efforts to help me in my writing.
So that’s the update about my
shortest straw-ry and I’m assuming that most of the traffic to this update has
come from where the story can be found, but if not head over
there to find the anthology of short stories that I’m sure you will enjoy.
As always there is a lot more going on and I’m
working on various projects at the moment. The best thing to do is like my
facebook page for my updates (link on the right side bar), although they can be very erratic. Also Kristell
Ink will be publishing lots of good stories from talented authors so like their
facebook page for updates
Lastly this update marks a half way point of
something I’m working on and just writing this last bit as a point of reference
even though it makes no sense to anyone but me. Thanks for reading and I really
really hope you enjoy the Anthology.