Monday, 20 January 2014

4Y, 3Y, 2M, 1C.W/Dodging Plot Holes In The Road

4Y, 3Y, 2M, 1C.W.

4 YEARS! Yep, it’s been that long since this journey began. It’s also been: 3 years of writing this blog, 2 months since the last update, and still one crazy writer who hopes for the fourth time that this will be his year.

Dodging Plot Holes In The Road

In the last couple of blogs I think I mentioned how it was hard to know what choice to make in terms of reviewing, or doing my own writing. I chose to focus on book two in the Chronicles of Elementary as I hoped it would make time go by fast, which it certainly has. It also turns out it was the right choice because I found a plot flaw in the Book of Prophecy when I went back to check something that was mentioned in book two. It was only a small thing, and only a few lines of information, which was easy to clear up, but it was a case of too much plot revealed to early. So it was taken out and all is well. I’m very glad I was able to put it write as especially as BoP will be out this year.
Furthermore, as I’ve written the second book, which is now 110,000 words and counting, I’ve seen a few plot holes (weaknesses) in it and been able to strengthen them dramatically. It’s so good to see how far I’ve come over these four years and I'm very happy that I can now spot the weaknesses and change them to make my stories more organic and realistic. It’s exhausting though, as there’s so much to try and remember about the plots of two books, and the others that are to come, but then I guess that’s one of the skills a writer should have. I'm thankful for those who have helped me with editing as each person has shown me what to look for and how to improve; I couldn't have become a better writer without their wisdom.


I actually don’t have much else to say except that 2014 should be an incredible year. As far as I’m aware people are working behind the scenes to make the Book of Prophecy the best it can be and I want to thank them with all my heart- THANK YOU! You all know who you are and I’m looking forward to thanking you all in person one day.

I just can’t believe it’s been four years. I have four years of built up energy, and four years of love and hate for this journey, but in the end both the positive and negatives are just fuel for what is to come. I’m ready to share BoP with the world, but until then I must be patient for a little while longer. Hopefully in another two months, when I blog again, there will be more news on what is happening with BoP. Book two’s re-write should hopefully be finished as well.