Well, there goes my waaay overly optimistic goal of April for The Heart of Nature. Can’t believe we are in March! I do love how my perception of time and how long it takes to do things can still be so distorted even after all these years. I really shouldn’t make such goals as no matter how ‘realistic’ I think I’m being I’m always so far off. The phrase ‘it will get done when it gets done’ has wisdom in it, but I’ve never been that wise, so my new time related goal is to have The Heart of Nature published by the end of the year.
The wait is good though as timing is a very important thing. This has become clear many times over the years and once again I see it in this situation. I’ve been doing some writing/editing that I see now was important to get done before the ball gets rolling on The Heart of Nature. I can’t say what it is right now, but it’s vital in making my work the best it can be for readers.
I’ll keep posting when I have any news or discussion points I want to write about. In the mean time if you are reading this and have read one of my stories please do leave a review on Amazon as each review is very helpful. All links can be found on my website www.stevenjguscott.com Thanks in advance if you do leave a review.