Here is another poem, that has been long overdue- I am so bad at keeping this blog updated these days. There isn't much new, but as always things are moving forward. One day I'll be able to show you some cool stuff that is being worked on, but who knows when. For now I'll keep posting random poems from a few years back.
Contradictions of
Each Path 31-1-14
How do I make even
two steps forward?
When if one taken,
the second goes back.
The path of my
childhood long since moored,
And joys and goals a
faint vision to track.
Work’s path kills
slow, I can’t win, only lose.
Even educations
effort is lost.
Another path- to
serve, and spread good news?
Yet, my curse of fear
adds to the high cost.
Too many times I’ve
failed the fight with faith.
What about the paths
and worlds in my head?
Four years they have
haunted me like a wraith.
Using strengths to be
patient as the dead.
And all for what? A
tortoise pace, still blind.
Where is the golden
path I wish to find?!