I’ve joined a few on Facebook recently and I’m enjoying reading
some fun stories. Any I like are being posted on my Facebook author page. It takes a lot of my time, but I feel giving
something back is important and I’m enjoying looking at all the stories.
Because I’m reading other peoples work I’m also reviewing
them on Amazon when I can. It’s really difficult because you want to be helpful
and give a balanced review, but often I’m worried I’m being too hard. Honesty is always the best policy in my
opinion and I do believe you can, and should, give critical feedback in a
positive way. I tend to write two different
sides to my reviews: one with my own stupidly high expectations for the stories
I read, but given in a positive way; and one from an object point of view as if
I’m the target audience (if I don’t feel I am). Ultimately it’s just my stupid
opinion so it holds little value, but it’s fun reviewing. That said it does
have some value though as every review and piece of feedback, whether good or
bad, is important. Every experience holds its weight and value as long a person
is willing to see it.
This week I read a new friends writing and it, and the story,
were so good that I’m incredibly jealous. I read the 18,000 piece in a few
hours. It burned my eyes out of their sockets- thanks to my stupid dry eyes
issues, but it was worth it. The story telling and writing was just so
fantastic. All I wanted to do was read more and more to find out what was going
to happen. I’m looking forward to reading more of her work- but hopefully over
a longer period of time, and in little doses, so my eyes don’t get destroyed J.
Working Hard
I seem to have a lot of writing stuff on my plate at the
moment, but I love it! I’m probably taking on too much though and hope I don’t
burn myself out. However it’s going okay.
To finish I’ll give a quick run down of my own writing:
-Just finished going through BoP... AGAIN! ‘sigh’ But
actually loving it still. I’m going to give the last half a read over and then
the whole thing. Then... well we’ll see ;)
-I’ve been marketing the Steampunk Anthology recently and a
few people have bought it. I really hope they like it and give good reviews,
and spread the word. Relying on other people’s enthusiasm to spread the word is
a massive part of this journey and it’s why I really want my writing to be the
best it can be. I let people down first time around, as my story wasn’t at the
standard it should have been. It put people off and I have plans to rectify my
mistakes and hopefully get people on board to help me as this time it will be
the best it can be.
We also got another review for
the Anthology on amazon.co.uk and once again my story was one of the reader’s favourites.
This is really nice to hear and gives me a needed confidence boast. It made me think more and
that maybe my story is actually good. I thought of how I could get more
feedback and had an idea to ask the Gothic Horror lecturer at my old university
to take a look. My story is an Alternate-Reality take on the Frankenstein story
with a sprinkle of Steampunk, so thought he might enjoy it. I emailed him and
he said he would read it. He said he was busy but would read it in a week or
so. I’m excited and nervous to hear what he thinks.
-Once BoP is done I’m not sure whether to go and do a quick
run through of Empiphany again, or go onto
the following book after BoP, ‘Nurture Fails, Nature Remains,’ which
needs the style change I gave BoP. I think I’ll do Emph first (it won’t be as
much work), and then NF-NR, but I could do it the other way around. We’ll
see how i feel in a few weeks when BoP is out of my hands...