Wednesday, 6 January 2016

6 Years of Writing Stories

I guess to begin with it’s time to make the big announcement for 2016:

My publishers, Kristell Ink Publishing are going to publish my story, ‘The Diary of V. Frankenstein’ (no date yet) and then the follow up to, ‘The Book of Prophecy’

...Drum Roll Please!!...

‘The Heart of Nature.’

‘The Heart of Nature,’ is going to need some work so the publishers have agreed to release TDoVF (Novella, so only 30,000 words) to give you something while you wait. Aren’t they awesome and super kind!!!! TDoVF is very dear to my heart as it was inspired by a dear friend who created the original concept and let me run (fly) with it.

I won't give away too much info on the story except that it's a Gothic, Horror, Steampunk, Feminist, Sci-Fi, Alternate Reality take on the original story. So expect the traditional and not so traditional. There's even a big shout-out to Scotland and how much I love it and its people.

So, that’s the first bit of news, but there is more…

I have begun writing book 3! For a number of reasons it’s the perfect time to do it. There is a massive part of me that is terrified to start this, but I did my best to fight this, and a few weeks ago I wrote 2000 words of a detailed plot skeleton for the first half of the story. This was the positive catalyst I needed to get my mind set for beginning this project.

It is going to be slow going though. A few years ago I could do 2-3 thousand words a day if I focused. A year ago I could do 1-2 thousand but now I’m looking at 500 to 1 thousand a day. That’s still a good amount, if consistent, but it’s hard with the CFS and how much more I need to rest these days. I’m grateful that I can still do some writing though and irrational fears to one side, I’m looking forward to getting this project underway.

There are a few other things currently in the making, but I’ll save that exciting news for another time.

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