Friday, 8 December 2017

Turning 30 years old and Poetry

I had my thirtieth birthday recently. It has been celebrated wonderfully and I was treated and spoiled by friends and family. I was deeply touched by how loving everyone was and my thirtieth birthday has been a very special time.

In writing news, I have been very good and actually have lots of words put together for a future story. Granted, its just lots of notes from my dungeons and dragons campaign, but its something. My friends have been incredible players and together they have made some wonderful characters, and epic moments as we play. I can't wait to write it up one day as stories relating to the main novel.

The bad news is I have been terrible at getting my books published before the year is over. The industry is so hard to crack, and with sales only breaking even, it's difficult to keep the momentum going when publishing new books. The company have wisely slowed down the pace of publishing a little, because too much investment and not enough sales is a dangerous habit for a company to get into. Grimbold Publishing must survive, as it's amazing company. In time I  will get my stories ready to be published, but until then things have ground to a halt.

Some good news is (I think), I have some poetry to share. I wrote a number of poems when I used to work nightshift and always hoped I'd be happy, confident and brave enough to share them by the time I'm thirty. Well, I have achieved those goals and happy to share them with you. I'll post one every few weeks/month. I hope you like them.

  A Break Given To Stop This Breakdown (1-2-2011)

The drive goes on, and on, despite the crash.
While mother earth gestates her element.
Weathering and weakening, then we clash.
Like lightening, my energy is spent.
All of it used to control this machine.
She is unaffected, unstoppable.
I am rust, dents and leaking gasoline.
How to survive? This is impossible!
Harmonise, so we two will win this race.
Achieve wants, and dreams, together as one.
If you condescend for us, show us grace.
Give us a break, then repairs can be don.
Or in a trillion tears we will drown.
If no break given to stop this breakdown. 

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Months Vanish In A Blink

I’m a total stuck record, but as ever, things are taking longer than expected. Luckily, I seem to have shed impatience and time rolls forward without me really being aware.

The reformatting of BoP and art will be done when it can. Its worth waiting for as the quality of formatting/typesetting will be worth the wait. I'm waiting until it is finished before asking to move The Heart of Nature forward so I'll keep posts coming when it does.

In other news, I now have a colouring book of my art published! If you want to take a look go to

The last update for this post is about my new addiction. I have started my own Dungeons and Dragons campaign. This has been an amazing lesson in world building and paying attention to small details/mechanics of a society. As ever I don't do things by half and have created the world and the four kingdoms in it from scratch, plus Dming it for ten friends. It has become a vast and insane project, but the creative side to it is glorious. I'm having soooooo much fun!!! Although, I have to ration my obsession as ever to make sure I rest and don't do too much.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Unseen Potential

Unseen Potential

Often creative projects like stories, music, art etc spend a lot time as potential energy. It begins as an internal idea and ends in the external world with form of some type. The start and end are usually obvious- I have an idea for a story, and I want it to be a book to share with the world. However, sometimes we don’t see the potential of our work. This has happened to me.

Writing has been my main creative focus, but over the years I have also enjoyed drawing and doing what I call my doodles. They have improved with practice, but to me they were for fun and simply another creative outlet. In the last year or two people have complemented them and suggested it would be fun to colour them in.

This has been suggested again by a number of close friends. This has helped me see there is a lot of potential for fun in my drawings, especially when adult colouring books are so popular right now. I spoke to my publisher, Kristell-Ink, and they have agreed to publish a colouring book. This was decided a month or so ago. Since then I have been working hard to tidy up all my drawings so the quality is as good as it can be. All the pieces are done and I’m looking forward to sharing this creative project with everyone.

Other Projects
The Book of Prophecy is getting some awesome art added and will be re-released over the coming month or two.

The sequel, The Heart of Nature, hasn’t moved forward yet, but I’m content waiting.

Over the years I have had to take lots of rest time because of my health stuff. When doing this I listen to a lot of Dungeons and Dragons podcasts/games. I have finally decided to create my own campaign and this is based around a trilogy of books I will write, probably 10-20 years from now. This has already been a lot of fun. Creating the world and the detail needed has been a great learning curve and I can’t wait to see the potential of this story/adventure come together over the coming years.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Politics- My Thoughts and Feelings

Not related to my books, but something I wanted to put into the universe.


We live in a mostly physical reality, where such related things (wealth, physical strength etc) are prioritised and praised. However, there is clearly more to this life than just the physical. Yet, because it dominates our senses it is difficult to tune into the spiritual* and connected compassionate ideologies.

That said, it is clear that the physical and spiritual are linked i.e. it is difficult to focus on the spiritual and compassionate without our basic physical needs being met. Furthermore, physical emotions of happiness, joy and love are linked to the spiritual and very much the bridge between the two parts of what is actually a whole.

Main Body

The truth (I often avoid that word these days due to ambiguity but it is right to use it here) is that we in the west are often fortunate to have our basic needs met but are not content. We then get lost in ambitions of wanting more and more and prioritise gain for the self (I fall into this trap often). We lose sight of the spiritual and compassionate, and become selfish. We need to learn to be at peace with our circumstance- not easy in the slightest, but possible. We can still aim for achievements, but perhaps prioritise them better, or think about WHY we are trying to do something, and what happiness it actually gives us.

I rarely comment on politics because I very much have my own personal views and will vote how I see fit. I do not believe the continual arguments and debates that occur are very beneficial to my goals in life. I am an advocate of choice and have a huge respect for our freedoms to choose- it is very much the core of my own belief system. Often I sit back because I think, ‘who am I to try and influence anyone’s choice.’ Recently I have struggled to know the right thing to do on such subjects as governance and government. I don’t know whether to share my opinions or stay quiet. There is so much turmoil and upheaval and fear about the future that I finally feel I should at the least share some thoughts and feelings. I have always acted the best I can to mirror my beliefs, but often words have to be used as actions are often missed. This is why I have written this.

The definition of governance and government is very important when trying to explain my position on politics. My personal view is that you can measure good governance by how they/we prioritise the poor, weak, innocent, and ill. Your definition may vary, but what goal is more important than the happiness and safety of an individual who is in need of help? As a country we have lost sight of what is important. The leniency towards crimes that take away choice, such as abuse, theft, rape and murder is shocking and breaks my heart each day. Obviously rehabilitation and second chances are important, but never at the cost of the victim. Those in power and who govern have forgotten this.

It is also clear from cut backs to health, and especially mental health and addiction that those in power are not for the people. They do not care for people. Thousands have died from neglect, and many have committed suicide because they have been lost hope- I was nearly one of those people. It took years to finally be taken seriously and get the help I needed.

I don’t know how to actively change such things, but I know it starts with me and how I live my life. It continues with me speaking up and having courage not to be indifferent- the whole evil wins when good people do nothing quote. When I vote I will do so with all the above things as my motivations. I ask humbly and with tears in my eyes that you perhaps decide to do the same.


You may think what I have said is idealistic and naïve but it’s because of that thought pattern that such things don’t come about. If we have hope, if we do believe, if we focus on those who truly have our best intentions at heart, then a happy, healthy, loving society can be achieved in time. It starts with us and what choices we make. If we already are trying our hardest to bring about happiness and love then don’t give up. Keep fighting for this in any little way you can until your last breath. Look out for those who need to be loved. Prioritise the spiritual and compassionate over the physical. But most importantly learn to love yourself and who you are. If you do this you will be happier and able to love others even more.

*My own personal understanding- serenity of the soul, calm consciousness, at peace with ones place in the universe and love for all humanity.

Monday, 6 March 2017

March 2017 Already!

Well, there goes my waaay overly optimistic goal of April for The Heart of Nature. Can’t believe we are in March! I do love how my perception of time and how long it takes to do things can still be so distorted even after all these years. I really shouldn’t make such goals as no matter how ‘realistic’ I think I’m being I’m always so far off. The phrase ‘it will get done when it gets done’ has wisdom in it, but I’ve never been that wise, so my new time related goal is to have The Heart of Nature published by the end of the year.

The wait is good though as timing is a very important thing. This has become clear many times over the years and once again I see it in this situation. I’ve been doing some writing/editing that I see now was important to get done before the ball gets rolling on The Heart of Nature. I can’t say what it is right now, but it’s vital in making my work the best it can be for readers.

I’ll keep posting when I have any news or discussion points I want to write about. In the mean time if you are reading this and have read one of my stories please do leave a review on Amazon as each review is very helpful. All links can be found on my website Thanks in advance if you do leave a review.